Articles in Sidenotes
Fashion Police
Of all the things we’ve discovered on this Faces of Change 2009 Tour, I think the most shocking is that the Maasai (Masai) are – loudly and boldly – the Fashion Police. The other day, …
Isack’s quote of the day
I just remembered one of those things Isack said, that I don’t ever want to forget.
Isack asked Benitta, “Do you have charcoal on your eyes?”
I thought twice, and then translated the question.
Benitta answered him “Yes, …
Louisiana Leisure
Who knew that the En-kata Maasai (Masai) Choir would spend their days off feeling at home in an American livingroom with American friends, speaking Maa, while learning how to ride/drive various motored and non-motored vehicles!
Through Maasai Eyes: Cows and Singing
Isack: “Naidine! One day can we stop and sing to the cows?”
Jacob: “Are you serious?”
Isack: “We LOVE singing near cows.”
Jacob: “Oh. Ok?…”
Through Maasai Eyes: Bathroom Doors
Nadine: “Nemburis, you MUST lock the door of the bathroom behind you.”
Nemburis: “I tried. I was defeated.”
Nadine: goes in, and pushes the little button in the middle of the door handle.
one hour later
Nadine: “Nemburis! You …
Through Maasai Eyes: American Travel
After traveling all day from San Antonio, TX to San Jose, CA, we got into a van and started a multiple hour journey to the place we would stay for five days in Modesto, CA. …
Through Maasai Eyes: Flying
Before getting on the flight to California, Karduni looked at me and said, “This flying stuff is easy now. We’ve been to school for this!”
She was referring to the roller coaster.
Roller Coasters: Through Maasai Eyes
The first time I went to Maasailand I dreamed for a full week of how to explain a roller coaster to a Maasai (Masai). After taking the En-kata choir on the Steel Eel at Sea …
Through Maasai Eyes: Day 2
“What does the machine do with the money??” -Isack- referring to all the coins we pushed into the laundry machines… when there was a coin clinking around in the bottom of the load it confused …
Through Maasai Eyes: Day 1
On their first day in America, after going to Wall Mart and going to the Alamo, and talking to people on the Riverwalk, Isack said to Jacob:
“If I were a cow, you could have sold …